Buzz Cut Hairstyles

The buzz cut hairstyles get their name from the 'buzzing' sound made by the shaving machine in effecting them; seeing that this are rather short-trimmed hairstyles whose making involves bringing the shaving machine into very close proximity to the ears of the people procuring the cuts. Buzz cut hairstyles, by the way, are the very same hairstyles referred to as 'skinhead' hairstyles in the United Kingdom and much of the English-speaking Europe.

Buzz cut hairstyle have for long been very popular among men, registering dismal popularity rates among women; but this is changing with more and more women being noticed donning the 'near-clean shaven' look that the buzz-cut hairstyles confer to their wearers.

Buzz Cut Hairstyles

Buzz Cut Hairstyles

Buzz Cut Hairstyles

Buzz Cut Hairstyles

Buzz Cut Hairstyles

Buzz Cut Hairstyles

One of the greatest attractions to buzz cut hairstyle, especially to extremely time conscious people, lies in the ease with which they can be procured. The most basic of buzz-cut hairstyles, for instance, can get completed in a duration of under five minutes - a remarkable period of time when you take into consideration the fact that hairstyles that take hours to get completed also abound.

The ease with which hairstyle can be acquired belies the sophistication they come with. Buzz cut hairstyles, as it turns out when examined more keenly, come in a great variety of lengths, styles, grades and so on; meaning that they are certainly not dull or bereft of variety.

Another attraction that draws people to buzz-cut hairstyle is their innate ability to accentuate the wearer's facial features. A person who knows that they are endowed with great looking facial features that tend to hindered from full expression by overgrown hair (oh, the effect hair has on facial appearance!) can find escape in buzz cut hairstyles that tend to do away with the 'distraction' that is excessive hair; thus drawing attention to the wearer's 'natural' facial endowment.

Unlike most other hairstyles that call for great investments of time and money in maintenance, another attraction to buzz cut hairstyles lies in the fact that they are very low maintenance hairstyles, (hairstyles whose only maintenance regime lies in simply getting a regular haircut and lightly combing the hair in the morning for most wearers).

In some schools of the 'art of hip hop' buzz-cut hairstyle are highly favored (especially since some hip hop 'celebrities' were seen to have a weakness for the buzz cut hairstyles in the course of the 90s); and this has naturally made them come to be seen as highly fashionable among subscribers of the hip hop philosophy; who make a majority of the youth in some parts of the world.